Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous

What can I say about a fieldtrip that makes you re-consider your life's direction? We visited Farley Nuclear Plant (about one hour away) and were completely enthralled. The Public Relations man showed us a powerpoint presentation (45 minutes) that ended up lasting 2 hours because of our questions. The children had to fight the adults (me & my sister Teresa) for floor time! It was absolutely amazing; just the intelligence of the design was fascinating. We all packed in my van and the PR guy drove us around the site, after notifying security that a gold van would be driving around. We went through quite a check-over just to get in the place, but, oh, how neat it was! Makes you wonder.....should I have studied nuclear physics after all?
Maybe I'll just stick with cooking potato curry for supper....

Afterwards, we went by the local art gallery where the children had some paintings in competition. Josiah won an Honorable Mention, and Anders completely blew us all away by winning Best of Show for the ENTIRE competition (K-12). Wow! It was a fun day for us.