Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17th

Miracle!!  ChubChub actually finished his first book in English!  He's making a bit of progress...
The boys (and The Girl) all did well at last week's Forestry competition.  We had two first-place individual winners in the family.
Fearless ChubChub held up the cottonmouth that met its doom Saturday afternoon, thanks to Mo'M's cane.  Life in the south...
We had such a good time today during our Seekers class, studying St. Thomas Aquinas and the Magna Carta.  The kids below are reading through a play about the Magna Carta.
 And one of our favorite times of the class is the scary, unpredictable, edge-of-the-moment SUDDEN DEATH.  The kids have to choose a folded paper that contains a topic.  They have two minutes to prepare an oral, three-point essay on the topic.  Not scary enough for you?  Look at Seth laughing (to the right) in the picture below.  His topic was "the letter Z".  Yep.  Other topics were good habits, dust, styrofoam cups, squirrels, bad habits, and pickles.  Love, love, love their fearless creativity....