Tuesday, July 30, 2013

We had a very fun vacation! Anders and Wilson had to see who was alpha male.
Guess who was alpha between Anders and Poppins...
Can you see the little chipmunk hiding out at Long Lake?
ChubChub was thrilled to swim to his tadpole-heart's content.
We thoroughly enjoyed a Thai cooking demonstration and delicious meal at our friends' house.
Mean Ol' Mama compared the sauces to the ones back at home. Fish sauce, anyone? Yummy! Two bottles back by the stove in Georgia..
Whoa, Aunt Gayle and Uncle Earl!!! They are sooooo much fun to be with!
On our way back home, minus the two older boys who had 4-H competitions. Boo hoo! We'll be glad to see them soon...
Mo'M's about to start teaching high school Spanish; Stennes is busy working and starting back at the college; Josiah and Anders are about to start school next week; the others are back in homeschooling; the puppies are cute and growing quickly; the steers are moooo-ving along; lots of changes going on, and we'll keep y'all posted...