Sunday, April 14, 2013

Where did the last month go????

The Girl and her friends enjoy doing activities together, like making these "Hamburger" cookies.
Branch is now an active Boy Scout.
Both Branch and The Girl participated in a 4-H speech and project competition, and they each won 1st place blue ribbons!
We're still busy with our Seekers class. 
We took a field trip to Columbus to the National Infantry Museum.
Anders shot this nice turkey.
Branch helped put a porch on the back of the house.  Can you see him in the corner?
We had a fun "Eggs-travaganza Day" with some great friends down in Florida.  Lots of laughs, great games, yummy food, and fantastic memories!
The Girl is getting all her baking goodies in one big box.  She has plans!
All the kids have been busy with soccer, and Josiah has to "ref" quite a few games each time.
We had a great time of 4-H games !
Stennes attended the prom at Grace Christian Academy with his pretty friend, Kendi.  Wow, they're all growing up !

We're crazy-busy still, wrapping up quite a few activities and getting ready for some big changes this next school year.  I'll try to be more diligent in posting!  Sorry for the long wait.