Saturday, November 17, 2012

Long Time Coming

We've been very, very busy this past month.  After five performances within seven days, we were glad to catch our breath. One of the performances was at a church for their old fashioned day.
The kids have been enjoying soccer. Can you spot ChubChub kicking the ball in the middle of the photo below?
Josiah was "ref" for many games, as well.  He certainly got his exercise.
Anders and his team won the championship!
Our Monday class went out to the property for a change of scenery. The kids put together "hobo" meals that were cooked over the fire, thanks to Anders.
After a scavenger hunt in which the clues were in Latin, Greek, or Spanish, the kids took a break for "Sudden Death". They had two minutes to prepare either a story or a 5-paragraph essay using a random topic and two very random objects hidden within their plastic bags.
Mo'M is finishing up her semester at the college; we're trying to figure out a different groove for household management; Stennes is registered to start college in January; Josiah and Anders are attending a weekly class in Tallahassee that requires quite an amount of schoolwork; ChubChub still refuses to read in English, so keep praying about that; we have many Christmas performances coming up soon, with costumes to put together and speeches to memorize; Thanksgiving will entail two family reunions; breathe, breathe, breathe...