Saturday, October 13, 2012

Busy Weeks

We have been spending a few hours here and there out at the eight acres that Poppins recently purchased.  ChubChub has especially enjoyed exploring one of the three small ponds.
Anders entered this minibooth in the Georgia National Fair competition and won both First Place and Grand Champion!
The Girl also won First Place and Grand Champion in the Georgia National Fair public speaking competition!
Branch won First Place in his public speaking competition, too!
The kids enjoyed hanging out with a walking tree.
And there he goes again...
The Girl also won First Place in the Georgia National Fair Cotton Boll Speech competition!
The Seekers class had a good time sketching their portraits after a discussion of chiaroscuro and Rembrandt.
And the week was topped off with this huge pizza, a gift from our Very Special Cousin.
Busy at the College; making plans for other possibilities; boys are going to an FSU football game tonight; boys are trying to get a deer for the freezer; we're on a week's break from Seekers; Stennes has been busy in the fields for his job; working out at the property; thinking, thinking, thinking...