Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday Finale

The Girl baked Giant ChocoChip Butterfinger Cookies for the teachers at school. She has made it her mission to bake goodies every Monday morning for the faculty in order to give us a "sweet" start to our week. Gotta love a girl like that...
Branch worked cattle yesterday and did pressure washing, yard work, and other outdoor jobs for a cousin today. He and ChubChub are soon to be off for a night of camping and "boy" stuff. The Girl will be cleaning house for the same cousin tomorrow; Josiah and Anders will be sleeping in a bit and doing homework; Stennes has been working on a cranky jet ski; Poppins will be camping with the boys and working at the property with the bulls; Mean Ol' Mama will spend this weekend trying to find her elusive "groove"...
EDIT ALERT: Anders will NOT be sleeping in; instead, he will be leaving very early in the morning to his 4-H Landing Judging competition.