Our cousin down the road called to say that a turtle was burying her eggs right by the driveway. We had an spur-of-the-moment field trip only to discover that either a dog had already savaged the eggs or the turtle-mom was making a preliminary visit to seek the perfect place for her babies. Not a sight of turtle nor eggs, but an interesting discussion followed...

The Girl snoozed for a while, but the boys were busy fishing in order to have a fish fry on Friday night. We had a Mexican couple come for supper, and they were very interested in our foods and customs . We had a good time with them and a yummy meal!

The Girl set up a small desk for ChubChub in the school room. He really thinks he's special. And he is, is, is!

Alas, the poor copperhead should not have been in Josiah's bean garden while he and ChubChub were harvesting beans. We kill venemous snakes that are on our property. It's a matter of safety for the little ones and for Mean Ol' Mama's sanity.

Guess who dressed up as a Junior Ranger the other day? Big brother Anders made him a special cap to wear, too.

The boys have been busy helping Pop load/unload many cement blocks, putting up/taking down Pop's huge tent (for a funeral) and doing a lot of work around the homestead.

And just look at what Mean Ol' Mama discovered sitting right in the middle of her kitchen floor! Actually, Anders told her about the visitor, and Mean Ol' Mama remained barricaded in the bedroom until Mr. Sapo was escorted outside. Yep...
I've got jelly in my belly, jelly on my cheeks, jelly makes me happy, jelly keeps me sweet....
Look what the Big Boys did to our darling ChubChub...

Stennes was fiddling around with the lathe, turning a fresh stick of wood. He left it overnight on the counter, and we awakened to discover a tidy mound of sawdust made by a beetle buried within the stick. This piece of wood was also escorted out to join Mr. Sapo. Yep.

Oatmeal and math? The Girl not only couldn't wait to do her math but she also "stole" Branch's book to finish it up for him. He didn't complain in the least.

Chocolate peanut butter on fresh bread...What could be better?

Working hard, hard, hard. It's awfully hot down here in south Georgia, and our schoolroom can be quite "aromatic" some days when the boys pile in to do their work. Sitting between them during Latin class can be quite overwhelming, as well. And not because their imperfect subjunctive verbs are so perfectly parsed, either. [...Ahem...]

A quiet moment for Stennes as he tries to fix Josiah's fishing pole. A boy-to-man moment for Mean Ol' Mama.

Aha, so that's where all that jelly and chocolate peanut butter end up, eh?

Scrubbing the floor is an easy chore when they all work together. Concrete requires little upkeep.

ChubChub was elected to finish up under the table. He had a nice time wiping up the soapy water.

And as a treat...SWIMMING with SUPER-CHUB!!

We had a good week with lots of unexpected activity. We decided to switch back to alternating English and Spanish school because the kids have so much to do in each language that it's difficult to fit it all in daily, plus the other languages they're studying. This past week was English week for bookwork, and there was a definite sigh of relief for us all. We followed this rotation a few years back, and we're glad to be doing it again.