A week has passed since we last posted, but our life has been busy, busy, busy. For those who were asking about our Monday class, here are the books we use with the kids. The ones to the left are read-alouds, while the ones on the right are workbooks for Greek and Latin. The blue folder holds our current memory work. These books are only for Monday and are used in addition to other language books.

Last Monday the boys rose early and picked peas with Teresa, so we invited a friend over and held a pea-picking while Mean Ol' Mama read through Religion, Logic, Trivia and Latin. Quite a combination: peas and philosophies!

Branch purchased an inflatable boat and has enjoyed every minute of it.

ChubChub is growing so quickly, but he's still such a precocious little guy.

The Girl loves her Daddy...(so does Mean Ol' Mama!)

We made a delicious pound cake (thanks, Martha Stewart!) using our fresh blueberries. Quite delicious.

The boys finished up their essays this week discussing the prompt
What Constitutes a Good Eduation? They have some interesting thoughts. We have been observed these last 2 weeks by students from the local College who need to finish their education observation hours. Needless to say, school has been busy, busy, busy.

Uncle Tim brought ChubChub a pair of cowboy boots that he picked up somewhere. What a happy little cowboy!

And now we have two cow-punchers!

The next photo shows a not-too-clear page of The Girl's Spanish Bible work. One of the questions asked if her name was written in the Book of Life, and she quickly wrote it in on the little book pictured on that page. What a cutie!

Hot enough, Stennes? We have had stifling temperatures the last week, and the fellows are drenched after any amount of outside work.

We took a popsicle break after getting ready for company, and it was nice just to sit and "be" together for a while.

Last Friday we sang for our supper! A local assisted-living home invited us for a genuine southern fish fry and asked if we would host a sing-along afterwards. It was such a blessing for all of us, and the cheese grits were unbelievable.

We had a family visiting from Minnesota over the weekend. Five more fellows and two gals! We ate, ate, and ate. The boys had a paintball war while we parents were flabbergasted to see them wearing winter jackets in the heat of summer.

Our friend Jeremy spent some book time with ChubChub.

Look what Mean Ol' Mama found on her bedroom floor! The poor little guy was worn out from so much playing that he slipped off and found a quiet place.

The Girl finally had another girl to play with! In fact, she and her friend made a Father's Day cake together for supper.

Meanwhile the sweaty, sweaty, sweaty boys spent some time on the front porch with a couple of ripe watermelons!

Jeremy was kind enough to give the boys Army-style haircuts, and ChubChub was coerced into sitting still with
Hogan's Heroes.
The ladies remained inside with Chan and put together a puzzle.

Stennes rode around the yard on the go-cart, offering rides to sweet little passengers.

Another family (5 more fellows! and two ladies) came to visit Sunday afternoon, and we sang songs before the Minnesota folks headed back.

Sunday night we went to a Haitian camp and had a meeting in the kitchen area. Talk about hot, hot, hot! We were all dripping wet when we left, but it was such a beautiful time with these people. They have taught us 2 new Creole songs, and we're planning on hosting a huge dinner for them this coming Sunday at our house. Their testimonies are heart-breaking.

And to finish up this post, Mean Ol' Mama snapped a shot of these cute cards left on her bed last night. The Girl usually leaves a little something special on our pillows each night. Talk about crawling into a soft, cozy bed...