Busy, busy, busy. We've been busy. Yep. Pop decided to put up the preaching tent for three nights. The boys really put forth their best efforts.

ChubChub tries hards to dress himself. Good thing his steps are ordered by the Lord, isn't it?

Going up, going up...

After putting up the tent, the boys were just a little hungry. No time for forks, boys?

Anders made cookies in preparation for company.

The Girl thought that perhaps we would have enough for a few days.

This was the first time we played "electronically". The boys did such a good job, but street preaching doesn't require nearly the amount of work to produce good sound.

ChubChub made a special friend.

Look! Here's another friend for ChubChub. Isn't he a cutie, too?

The ladies hosted an Easter sunrise breakfast under the tent. It was very special for everyone who attended. The highlight of the meal was a wonderful Banana Pudding made by a dear friend. It's hard to beat dessert for breakfast!

The Girl and her friends were just a bit chilled.

ChubChub is now a genuine cowboy, but the little calf doesn't seem too impressed.

Stennes and one of his best friends took the canoe out early in the morning.

One of our guests decided to put on a fashion show for us .

And The Girl was thrilled to have some more girls for 6 days straight! Aaaahhh, lots of giggles...

Do you see ChubChub? He wasn't cooperating with the game rules, and the big kids put him out. Best to get along, buddy.

This is what we saw every day for 6 days. Lots of smiles, food, cookies, beans and rice, peas and rice, rice and beans, bread, more beans, more rice, more bread. It was fun for us all! Our friends from Minnesota via the Solomon Islands are delightful people. Their mother is a "kindred spirit" for Mean Ol' Mama, although she isn't as mean...[...sigh...]

It was hard to load them up for the trip home. They didn't want to leave, and we didn't want to let them. We have since established a tri-family blog for educational support as we pursue a language-intensive, deliberate-living classical model of education. Sounds fancy, but it's
mucho work-o. You're welcome to check in sometime to "listen" to the children discuss not only progress in their Latin/Greek/Spanish/English/French/Chinese, but to share delights of their daily life, such as gardening, animals, and other interests around the homestead.