ChubChub dresses himself and does his own hair. Can you tell?

He's playing "sneak boy". Hmmm....

Now he's looking for treasure under the sofa and he changed socks.

What a fabulous gift from a "deer" friend! Forty pounds of batsmati rice. Won't last long around here...

Discussing an up-coming bird competition. Part of the fun is the planning.

Swimming noodles as weapons? These kids are real "toughies".

Updating their bird journals

Why is there a blanket on the couch?

More "sneaky boy" fun, and now he has a big brother to join in!

Our new teenager. Thirteen on April 1st. No fooling.

What a fabulous gift from a favorite friend of the family!

And still more goodies...

The Girl received an unexpected blessing. She's even cuter than her new purse.

Browsing through books on another rainy day and picking out familiar English words

In the lap of luxury

Books, books, books, even on the table