Anders moved his chicks to their new home. Each boy has a different breed of chickens, and some of them are quite pretty.

Josiah worked on his new garden, planting Kentucky Wonder beans with a friend.

Row, row, row your raft...

And now, presenting... a floating head!

The boys hammered out knives on the forge. Old saw blades certainly come in handy.

Stennes caught up on his Greek translation.

Anders caught up on his, as well!

Mean Ol' Mama found these sweet notes on her bed from The Girl. She's such a cutie.

A friend brought fresh kale to share for salads. Quite tasty!

Poppins bought the kids a new, much-needed trampoline. Gotta read those instructions first.

And now to try it out! Wheeeeeee!!!

We went preaching locally last Sunday and had a nice time. The people were very kind. This place is quite large and we nearly lost our voices singing loudly to those who were behind us and further in front [not in the photo].

Teresa and Mean Ol' Mama headed out with the kids at 5:00 a.m. Monday morning. We stopped at a state park for breakfast because the kids were
starving. Hey, kids, you're starving, remember? Kids? Yoo-hoo??!!

The boys ate down by the lake. It was so fresh and pretty that morning.

We spent the afternoon/night at a dear friend's home. Guess what? More boys!

Thankfully, this family also has two sweet girls. The oldest read bedtime stories to The Girl.

Tuesday morning the boys went birding with a shore-bird expert and Dr. Lynch, Josiah's surgeon (it's a long story). They had a really good time.

We went racing away to Fort Morris, missed the turn, did a U-turn on a country road and promptly got stuck in the marshy soil. Thankfully, the boys were strong enough to push us out, but Anders and Caleb ended up wearing a good bit of the mud. Teresa and Mean Ol' Mama could hardly see for laughing so hard!

We stopped for a quick lunch of braunschweiger on crackers and sweet/spicy chips. Sounds strange, but the boys really enjoyed it.

We made a quick visit to one of the oldest cemeteries in the United States (early 1700s).

We felt pretty special when they opened Fort Morris just for us (another long story).

In the museum: