The boys caught up on some of their Greek. It's difficult to skip certain subjects, and Greek/Latin are two of them. We're working on consistency in many areas, and although it's a painful process, we're seeing good results.

The Girl iced Whole Wheat Mint Chocolate Biscotti. This was Mean Ol' Mama's baking indulgence before breakfast. She kind of got it out of her system so she could move on to bigger and better plans.

Yep, bigger and better plans...

Anders cut up two green Seminole pumpkins for dinner. We added leftover chicken and tomatoes and had a delicious meal. We have learned through experience that the green pumpkins are fully edible, peel and seeds included.

Stennes went to Shop with Pop for the day. They are working out a plan for a project to be entered in the Georgia Fair. The shop isn't very neat, but the incredible art that comes out of the shop more than makes up for the mess. Artists' temperments, you know...

Pop is teaching the boys to be extremely particular about the wood they choose, so they often end up "making" their own boards by different methods. Stennes is cutting out some of his boards on the bandsaw Pop made years ago.

Now he can start on his project.

After lunch, I mentioned to my nephew next door that I would sure like to make donuts but I don't own a cutter. Never fear...a woodworker is here. TA DA!!! Ten minutes later, a hand-turned donut cutter. Isn't it beautiful? I'm hoping that Stennes will make me a similar cutter for biscuits.

Well, one thing led to another, and before you know it...yep, another indulgence in the kitchen: Whole Wheat Molasses Beignets.

Ain't life sweet? We were able to share these with a family who dropped in for dinner.