Any idea what these are? Yes, cookie sheets. Notice anything about them? They're EMPTY!!! Mean Ol' Mama tried a different doughnut recipe, which made about 40 plus "pieces". Not even 30 minutes later, empty cookie sheets. I don't know whether to be despondent or flattered. I guess I'd better err on the side of "flattered"...

The boys have wanted gymnastic rings for months, so we're trying out a home-made version. This way, they can exert energy in coming up with a replacement for the rings, they can exert energy in hanging the substitutes, and they can exert energy in hanging from the rings. Yep, we're all about exertion around here...(which is probably why they go through two trays of doughnuts in 30 minutes)...

Stennes is giving his invention a try for the first time. The rings? Oh, they're tricycle tires. Kind of remind you of doughnuts, don't they? Or rather what doughnuts look like before they disappear...

Sunday evening we went about 45 minutes away to a trailer park where the people are squeezed together almost without air enough to breathe. We had a very nice meeting. Different friends of ours had donated toys and clothes, and those gifts were just perfect for the crowd. Besides the Bibles, tracts, and crackers, it was nice to hand out a little something extra. Sadly, though, ChubChub was a little feverish and miserable. He curled up on the couch just as soon as we came home.

After a while, though, he wanted his "jammies" and Mean Ol' Mama. It looks as if the kitchen clean up will have to wait a while, doesn't it? It's awfully sweet to cuddle a baby. Yep, sweet...kind of like doughnuts...