The Girl helped Aunt Teresa make grape jelly. The grapes had to be squeezed in order to use up all of the juice, and she really enjoyed that messy job.

Back at home, she helped make quiche to be baked for dinner along with baked potatoes and buttermilk biscuits with mayhaw jelly.

After lunch the boys listened to Kipling's
Jungle Book on CD. We don't have a television, so they oftentimes "watch" the story by staring off into space, picturing their own scenes and characters.

A friend of the family brought the boys a gift: two empty plastic barrels. The boys sure were excited as visions of "pontoon rafts" danced in their heads.

ChubChub lent a helping hand for dinner preparation by scrubbing the potatoes. He's at the age where all work is play, so it's pretty easy to coerce him into doing his chores.

The boys went next door to help Pop clean up the junk pile. It's behind their shop and holds a plethora of interesting items for inventive boys. As they were re-stacking and re-arranging, they were secretly forming ideas of what to make with all of those neat pieces of iron and other "boy treasures".

Josiah went out to pick fresh tomatoes from his garden to share for dinner. Interestingly, he picked the two tomatoes below from the same plant. The only thing we can figure out is that Mean Ol' Mama's heirloom yellow pears mixed with Poppins' cherry tomatoes (last season). We should be getting some interesting color and shape combinations from these plants.