ChubChub and The Girl picked two Seminole pumpkins for our Saturday soup. We had guests over Saturday evening (vegetarians), and we prepared one of the yum-yum-yummiest soups that we have ever eaten. There was just a tiny bit left over, which promptly went into the next day's pot. We used at least 7 different vegetables from the boys' gardens.
Josiah did some weed-eating around the yard. We don't have much grass here with the sandy soil, so it's pretty easy to maintain the yard.
Stennes prepared thalamae, a pita-type bread for Saturday dinner. He sprinkled on olive oil, poppy and sesame seeds, and basil. It was very good, especially with the hot soup. There was one piece left over until...well, [ahem]...someone ate it...
The Girl whipped some eggs for SugarFree Banana Cookies. We used currants instead of raisins, and 9-grain instead of oatmeal. These cookies are quite tasty, although the children splurged on some white bleached flour-processed enriched-white sugar-mint chocolate chip cookies that Mean Ol' Mama made in a moment of insanity. Not quite the Third World dessert, but mighty good.
Branch harvested his two Sugar Baby watermelons. They were almost as sweet as he is.
Poppins and Stennes did a complexion comparison at the pool. Can you tell which one swims on a regular basis? Tan-in-a-Bottle, anyone?
We went preaching in a local apartment complex Sunday night, but Mean Ol' Mama forgot the camera. There were only 3 people there at the time, but as we were singing and talking with them, they told us that the whole crew had been moved to Tallahassee. Amazingly enough, we knew exactly which apartments they were in, so we added gas to the vans and headed south. We arrived there about 8:00 p.m., and the people were sitting out in the cool of the evening. There were about 50-60 listeners, and it was such a blessing for us all. Two men came forward and asked for prayer, getting on their knees in front of everyone. It's quite a humbling thought to realize that we would have missed that opportunity had we considered 3 people at the first apartment too small a crowd. God has his ways of blessing obedience, doesn't He?