Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Homemade grape jelly anyone? Today was a "working day" for the older boys, so they gobbled down eggs and toast and headed out to work with Pop. ChubChub gladly cleaned up the rest of the toast and washed it down with liberal amounts of grape jelly.The boys worked at cleaning up the property. They have moved out quite a few loads of scrap metal. The boy in the red shirt was visiting for the day, poor guy. Pop is quite a tough taskmaster.
They were a little late for lunch. I had prepared red dhal with carrots but then added an entire frying pan full of fried potatoes. They ate both skillets full, a box of doughnuts (from Pop), and other bits and pieces. Working men, you know...
Branch and The Girl stayed back to do schoolwork. Branch really enjoyed some time on a Spanish computer game.
After finishing her schoolwork, The Girl helped prepare lunch for the working boys and buttered the hot bread for dinner. Out of six loaves of Molasses Oatmeal bread, only 3 are left. They were held back for tomorrow's breakfast. Do boys never get enough to eat?
After lunch, the big boys went to their Forestry Judging class. Branch went to work with Pop. The Girl and Mean Ol' Mama had a sweet time together; she worked on her cross-stitch, while Mama read a book aloud.
We have a "Girls' Time" every evening during which we read girly-type books. This afternoon we finished a set of 5 books that we have been reading for a few months. Now on to another set ...