This morning the fellows had a Performance Class at the college. They have really made progress with their singing/projection. Today they worked on harmony and did a fine job. Next week will be their final Sabbatical class with Brad, and we're pleased at how much they have learned.

Branch spent the afternoon with Pop in the Shop and made a spear to keep the savage beasts (or brothers) at bay. Don't worry, folks...the head is actually from a rubber tire. Sure is intimidating, though, isn't it?

This afternoon was the first day back from summer break for the band in Tallahassee. The boys were gone for a few hours, so Mean Ol' Mama and The Girl had a snack and hung out for a while. The Girl also worked on a project. In the photo below, Stennes is doing 30 push-ups for 30 demerits that he earned this morning. Yep, gotta walk a fine line around here...