After returning from an early morning "white elephant" sale, Mean Ol' Mama managed to read about adventures in Africa while rocking ChubChub to sleep. This was a pleasant surprise for all of us, and we were able to read through 3 long chapters while there was....[sssshhhh..dare we say it?...] QUIET !!! It was delightful.

We had a new homeschool family join us for lunch. They have three young boys, so the fellows naturally hit it off just fine. They got a little silly after a while, but we enjoyed watching their good, clean fun.

After our visitors left, the boys worked on Boyhood, focusing on Marksmanship. Anders started the round with his pellet rifle. They were shooting at the white orb hanging in the background of the photo. Actually, they're aiming for the thin band of purple painted around its middle.

Branch took a few shots with his BB gun, then switched to the bow. He was more successful with the gun.

Stennes brought out his pellet rifle, which he uses to shoot BB's, since the pellets are more expensive. After the four boys took turns, they upped the ante by shooting left-handed, which was more of a challenge.

The photo below was my prize from the yard sale this morning. We hung it in a very prominent place over a main window since it duly sums up our philosophy of homeschooling and life in general.