We were in a baking mood again today. While the boys finished up their Latin, The Girl began a vanilla pound cake using the whole wheat pastry flour that we bought while in Minnesota. It was very good. We topped it off with warm blueberry sauce.

The Girl had enough time after mixing the cake to be silly with her older brother's shoes. I certainly hope this is not an indication of her future shoe size.

The boys were called next door to help their cousin harvest his corn crop, which was left to dry in the field. Levi is quite the farmer. He ground some of the dry corn for his lunch, which was a bowl of grits. The boys then cleared the field with machetes for another planting.

Okay, the photo below was not a good moment in our day, but definitely one that led to a really good discussion and (hopefully) a long-lasting change in heart. Poppins and I have decided that homeschooling is 1% academics and 99% character development.

Stennes was kind enough to peel some wild peaches for a yummy Peach Kuchen for supper.

After lunch, we got together with the next-door folks for our Friday class. Yes, we know it's just Thursday, but we're on Sabbatical, and we chose Fridays for the boys' projects and Boyhood plans. We did a few fun grammar exercises, read a chapter from
Practical Happiness, listened to a Mexican mariachi group in anticipation of the next project Mean Ol' Mama has for the boys (hee-hee), and Teresa drilled the boys on bug and tree disease identification to prepare them for Forestry competition next month.

We went swimming this afternoon, picked up the house for a new homeschool family who will be visiting us tomorrow, and tried to do everything possible to make a very busy "tomorrow" easier on us all. One thing we try diligently to demonstrate and encourage in the kids is the practice of anticipation. "What can I do now to make ------ easier, more efficient, and time-wise?"