First thing this morning, the big boys went with their Pop to pick up 40 bantam chicks. He is going to give each child a breeding pair of a different type so that they can learn husbandry and marketing skills. Thanks, Pop! After this, we traveled about 30 miles for our final Patriotic Performance of the year. There was a good crowd of about 50-60 adults, and the kids did a really good job.

After lunch, the big boys headed outside for some yard maintenance.

The Girl stayed inside to learn the secret of Mean Ol' Mama's meat sauce. Everyone on the property eats at our house Wednesday evenings, so we have to cook a lot. The Girl is having to cook half of the meat at a time in order for it to fit in our largest pot. Lots of hungry working men, you know...

After dinner we had a visitor come that we haven't seen in about 4 years. He's staying overnight with us. He went with us to a Mexican camp. You can tell by the photo that the boys are "sung out". They were tired enough to join the ants in the grass.

When we finished, the Haitians from the other side of the camp came and asked us to come preach to them. We didn't stay for more than an hour, though. We were just too tired. We're so glad we went; these children in the photo all came up afterwards and asked for prayer. It was a very special time.

Aren't these two little ones cute?