We started off the day with about 2 hours of shared reading. We always have at least 2 books going at the same time; one is for pleasure and the other corresponds to the time period we're studying in history.

After lunch the boys had their Performance Class at the college. They stood up for an hour and a half. We're pleased with the progress they're making, especially in vocal refinements.

When we returned home, they sketched a still life in their Nature Notebooks. Each child has a backpack with notebook, sketching pencils, colored pencils, all sorts of animal/plant/tree/butterfly/etc. identification books, and binoculars. One of the boys carries a can of hairspray as well (to spray any charcoal sketches, for preservation). These bags really get used a lot.

Here are the objects that they're sketching. My sister is working with them on shadowing and correct perspective. The kids get quite an exposure to artistic creativity living near her and Pop. She's a real stickler for accuracy. She also teaches them Poster Art techniques; they use another notebook for those sketches.

After the sketching class, they cut open the melons, counted seeds, and compared seeded & seedless varieties. Teresa does some really neat nature classes with them. We usually do these classes on a weekly basis, but in July we're on Maintenance Month due to upcoming vacations, so they will do only 3 classes, 3 field trips, and 4H competition training in Forestry Judging.

We went to one of the largest migrant camps in our area after dinner. There was a good crowd, but they're quite spread out at this camp. This is one of our most challenging places to preach, but the people here are always responsive. Besides the Spanish Bible and tract that we always hand out for free, we also gave each a DumDum lollipop instead of crackers. Those lollipops were so delicious! Not that I actually ate one, of course...(ahem...)

Poppins bought the kids a package of sparklers as a surprise for 4th of July. We had a snack, and everyone on the property joined us to watch the excitement. It was a nice finish for our busy day.