ChubChub decides to go for a swing through the jungle. He's a good 5 feet in the air. I just hold my breath and hopes he hangs on for the return landing. He jumps off the trampoline and swings back again.

Where do all these bits of trash come from? Cleaning up around the property is a lot of work. The boys and The Girl held a competition today for the most bags of trash collected and were rewarded with ice cream cones. Punch the Dog just faithfully walks around with them...

Josiah is painting an old plow to be used as yard decor. Yes, we probably have an unusual sense of style, if you could call it that...

Stennes painted the living room and stair well. Not bad for a 12 year old. Tomorrow he'll start on the kitchen and hall.

The Girl is having a class on The Fine Art of Using a Can Opener.

ChubChub is getting his first "big boy" haircut while our friend Jose looks on. Jose has been staying with us for a few days but finally found a good job and place to rent.

Again, the swing in action...

Sorting dried beans. Not very exciting, but this is a definite Life Skill for our family.

First time for solo reading. The Girl sometimes slips through the crack in everyday schooling. We try very hard to accommodate all of the kids, but with 5 different levels going on, sometimes it's a little tricky. We end up doing schoolwork at odd hours of the day. Steady on, though...