Waiting on my bread to rise. Sweet dough with lemon and raisins.

Enjoying a garden gift from our cousin

Working on my raft made from old half-barrels. (It really did float later, too!!) It's drying upside down in the photo.

Gathering leaves for the chickens to scratch. This will be pulled out from the pens later to be used as mulch/fertilizer.

"Spur-of-the-Moment" tea party with Mommy. We went shopping later for "goodies" to add to our tea party box. Yummy !

Poppins re-located a blueberry bush to a sunnier spot in the yard.

Checking the rain level measurements. Not enough yet..

We're enjoying a giant inner tube on the trampoline. Daddy always brings home the nicest surprises.
Sunday we went out preaching in the drizzly rain. We went to a smaller camp of Haitians where there was a covered shelter. We had one of the sweetest, most refreshing times that we've had this year. This group really enjoyed hearing the Word and listening to the music. After handing out the French Bibles, one of the men asked for an English version. Oops! We had to scrounge around to find one. Next time we'll be better prepared.