Part of our 5 B's for this summer (Basics, Band, Benevolence, Boyhood, and Being). Here Josiah enjoys checking off one of his Life Skills requirements: baking cookies from scratch. The boys prefer a mixture of mint and chocolate chip. This recipe is heavy on whole wheat and grain flakes. Yummy!

Branch is practicing note recognition in preparation for his violin class tomorrow. He can't quite get the bow movements down, but he's only had 1 class. I guess I should be more merciful...

Stennes and Anders ponder an oral quiz. There's just not quite anything as enjoyable as the pluperfect tense in Latin first thing Monday morning, is there?

Stennes and Josiah were running buddies today in their SEALS training. Twelve laps around, guys, plus all the other stuff. Are you sore yet? The Phy Ed. was finished off with a high-carb meal of beans and fruit; the SEALS food recommendations fit in perfectly with our Third World eating goals.

To top off the afternoon, the boys had their Performance class at the college. An hour and a half of constant correction, constant correction, and more constant correction. This pain is necessary.
Tonight they will be practicing for Patriotic Performance, which starts next week. We'll see if their teacher's words of wisdom made an impact...