Comparing bird identification information...
They're preparing for state competition in April. Study, study, study...
ChubChub and The Girl stayed back to keep Mean Ol' Mama company while the team set out for a hike/training course.
"Mira, Mami!! I think I see the Oreo!!" Perhaps he meant the Oriole...
And of course, no field trip is complete without a snack in the shade...
Have book, will travel...
Saturday was busy, too. We invited over one of the boys' cousins for a hot dog roast in the back yard. Poppins butchered two huge roosters (16 pounds before being dressed); he de-boned the meat, ground it, and added sausage seasoning. From 2 roosters we ended up with 14 pounds of ground meat. He and the boys worked for Mean Ol' Mama's uncle, doing a bit of maintenance, and then we finished off the day with a good supper. Mean Ol' Mama heads back to teaching at the College this coming Tuesday, so next week is looking "mity bizy"...