Branch celebrated his 9th birthday with a few close friends.He received some really fun gifts from many people.
Even ChubChub received a belated birthday gift. He's always excited to find some "forbidden candy" in the bottom of the bag.
Stennes made Branch a "tommie-hawk". He cut, shaped, and welded the metal, too. Not bad for a 13-year-old.
We had had multiple performances this past week, with 2 more to go. The kids have been good sports about their memory work, new songs, etc...
Branch and Josiah participated in the first public performance of Port City Strings. They all did a fine job.
The performance was for the annual Faculty Luncheon at the College, and the kids were invited to eat after the performance. Do you suppose Branch is excited about his goodies?
Our VSC (Very Special Cousin) spent a few days in The Pink House here on the property. She brought some clay and a book to show The Girl and ChubChub some pottery "beginnings".
We spent a cool afternoon at a local park. The children and VSC rode "wheels", while Poppins and Mean Ol' Mama supervised from the sidelines [...ahem...].
We spent a cool afternoon at a local park. The children and VSC rode "wheels", while Poppins and Mean Ol' Mama supervised from the sidelines [...ahem...].
We then zipped over to Poppins' friend's house to visit rehabilitated deer. What fun!