Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lots of photos

ChubChub worked diligently at his schoolwork this past week. He really enjoys his little books.
He also helped Mean Ol' Mama sort through pinto beans for supper. He's a good helper.Josiah and Branch have been working on their Christmas concert music. We have 4 family performances this week, 1 string performance with their ensemble group, and more performances with family/strings/and band coming up just within the next week. Ufda!
We had a good time with company in the home over Thanksgiving holidays. Aunt Barbwire and Uncle Trouble (as the kids call them) stopped in from Cincinnati/Bangladesh/Togo. They stayed for a few days, and we enjoyed singing with them. Uncle Richard came down from Pennsylvania. We had 2 family reunions to attend Thanksgiving Day.
Uncle Trouble regaled us with his accordion music. He is such a talented man with a very interesting life story. If you ever meet him, make sure you ask him why he doesn't like raisins.
Branch and Poppins finished working on a shed for Branch's tools and workbench. This may turn into a pigeon house in the future.
We attended the Swine Time festival on Saturday. Poppins was called up out of the audience to participate in the chitterling-eating contest. He was nominated by his friend Peter (on the right). What are chitterlings? Fried pig bowels, plain and simple. You wash them down with hot sauce and hope you survive. Poppins said they were actually kind of tasty.
The emcee and photographer had a good time with Poppins and Peter when they found out that they were both "yankees". The emcee told them they were disqualified from the contest, because only Southerners should eat "chittlins". Everyone on stage enjoyed a good laugh when Poppins turned his cap backwards; he was told that he had to put his hands behind his back and dig in face-first when the contest starts. Yuck!!!
Snapping photos for the local paper...
All done! Now, about this friendship, Peter...
Can you see ChubChub all the way to the left? Poor little guy wanted to participate in the hog calling contest, but then he was told that he had to be 8 years old. Waaaahhhh!
Josiah, Anders, and Branch enjoyed the corn shucking contest. Those kids were really moving up there.
Anders won! Fifteen dollars which were quickly spent on buying treats for Mean Ol' Mama, The Girl and her friend, and a family friend who was with us. He is such a nice boy.
Stennes and Levi also did the corn shucking contest. Levi won, but Stennes gave him a good challenge.
ChubChub's Italian Ice was a bit sour...
Even Poppins "shecked" corn. He did pretty well, but the man on the left won.
Do you see ChubChub in front of the pig on the right in the photo? He's going in for the finish with that little greased piggy. Run!
Yep, that piggy didn't stand a chance. ChubChub sauntered off casually and commented that he "...captured the pig!" Where does he learn those words?
He won the whole pot of money, which was soon spent on cotton candy for The Girl and himself. At least these kids enjoy sharing...
Branch won in his greased pig chase, too. He spent his money on a bow and arrow for him to share with ChubChub.
Josiah was very careful with his broken arm, so he didn't "capture" the pig, but we were proud to see him being a good sport with the other participants. It's hard to catch a greased pig with your arm in a cast, ya know...
We ended up back home with Peter and his family. He and Poppins are still friends; eating "chittlins" has bonded them. We had a fun time together, watching barbershop singing on the computer, playing games, and chatting about our good day at the Swine Time festival.