Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We're still here (somewhere!!!!)

We have been busy, busy, busy these past 3 weeks. Every day has been a new adventure, some more exciting than others. We have had numerous visitors (surprise!!) and quite a few families interested in beginning homeschooling (surprise!!) and many unexpected drop-ins (surprise!!).
ChubChub celebrated his 4th birthday and received quite a bit of loot at the rate of $1.00 per sibling. He was a happy little guy for a few hours.
Mean Ol' Mama cooked up a greasy, sugary, delicious batch of funnel cakes to celebrate...ummm, well, to celebrate all of our recent surprises. Yeah, that's why...

The boys have been planting some in their gardens. The weather has been mild so far, and the afternoons are very comfortable for sitting outside, being lazy. Not that we ever do that, of course...[ahem...].Well, this isn't quite the same as gardening, but it's productive in its own fashion...

Stennes made Mean Ol' Mama a throne, and this beautiful chair won First Place at the Georgia National Fair. We will post pictures of Josiah's shelf at a later date.
Mean Ol' Mama finished teaching her class at the College last week. They were a nice bunch of students. We had a special performance and treats for them on the last night, before their final big test.
A special friend from our days in the Philippines/Mexico/Texas/and other places came for a weekend visit from Oklahoma. He is such a dear friend. We had a cook-out and singing time during the cool afternoon.

Is this how aunts are supposed to treat their nephews? Itchy, itchy straw for a handsome scarecrow...
The three older boys recently participated in the Cotton Boll/Consumer Judging competition. They each gave 30-second cotton promotion "commercials". Aren't they cuties?