Poppins and ChubChub at the Beach...We really love those two fellows.

Look what Josiah caught! He's quite a fisherman.

Anders loaned his pole to a friend who met us at the beach. He's a really nice man from Colombia, with a lot of not-so-common-these-days sense.

His wife is from Peru. Mean Ol' Mama had a really nice time with her, discussing politics,
sofrito, and many interesting topics.

The view from the back door...

What's up with ChubChub's lip? He fell asleep just a little on the pouty side...

We wrote contact information on his arm this past weekend at the GA National Fair. Thankfully, he stuck close to us...

Josiah did an excellent job on speech #1. He memorized 7 minutes' worth of information on 4H and marketing the club. He placed 2nd, which was great for his first time in this competition.

Now he's ready for speech #3, which was a 30-second "commercial" advertising cotton. He did a great job and also placed 2nd. He changed into nice clothes between these two presentations for speech #2, a flawless, 4-minute, heavy-applause, motivational discourse on thinking positively in a negative world. He placed 3rd in that one, probably because he mentioned the dreaded word "God". Keep on mentioning His beautiful name, buddy! Shout it out!!!

Is that tasty, ChubChub?

Clowning with the clown...

Now, which one is the
real clown?

Josiah bought a 12-gauge with some of the money he won at the Fair. He's quite proud of his new gun. He'll be taking the Hunter Safety Course soon.

Anders placed 4th in his speech competition and 2nd for his mini-booth, Stennes placed 1st with the chair he made and 5th in his mini-booth project, Josiah placed 2nd, 2nd, 3rd, Honorable for his shelf, and 4th for his mini-booth. Decatur County did very well this year.

And a final shot from the beach...swimming into the sunset...