Pop worked with Branch to extend his chicken pen. Each boy has his own breed of chickens, and Branch really needed a larger place for his.

ChubChub has been working on dressing himself and is growing up far too quickly. He's a rascal, yes, but our lives are so much happier because of him.

Stennes and Josiah both have been harvesting quite a few potatoes. We have really enjoyed their sweet, fresh flavor.

The boys also killed a rattlesnake this past week. Do they always dress up to go hunting? No, they just finished playing in a band concert and spotted the snake on their way home.

Branch made a very willing horse for His Royal Whineness this past week. We're working on a "strife-free environment" in the home, and sometimes they just need to burn extra energy.

Poppins' blueberries are beginning to ripen, and the boys enjoy snacking on them throughout the day. Josiah was kind enough to bring in a bowlful for Mean Ol' Mama.

The Girl spent a few hours drawing on the white board after we finished using it for Poster Art class with Teresa. She's very easy to entertain.

Stennes decided to work on his Algebra while Mean Ol' Mama finished reading a Norwegian book about Frick (thank you, Grandma!). Meanwhile, ChubChub decided to "read" as well.

We went to help some friends prepare their business for a fishing rodeo coming up on Saturday. The gals stuffed goody bags while the fellas cleaned up around the place.

The guys also had to rig up the fishing poles for the kids who don't bring their own. It was a hot day, but we enjoyed being together with these special friends.

We arrived home to find two crates of corn from a Mexican friend. Yummy! The boys and a friend shucked some for supper to eat with our roast with carrots and potatoes, potatoes, potatoes.

Josiah planted more beans to keep a steady supply coming. We've really enjoyed gardening this year, and it's nice to see the boys growing in experience and independence.

The Girl and Branch enjoyed playing with a puzzle of sorts. They're really doing well in English reading in school. Sweet, sweet kids...