Josiah is home from the hospital, and his "Get Well" balloons appear to have relocated to the upper corner of the stairwell. They'll have to stay there until their air runs out...

And just look at this cutie hiding under the table. Who could resist taking a picture of such a sweet guy?

Now he's going to play guitar for us at the homeschool meeting. Classical? Flamenco? No, folks, he's just gettin' his groove on...

The kids had a nice class about barrier islands. We had a fabulous 3-day stay at Jekyll Island last year, so the boys knew quite a bit of information about barrier islands.
"There's a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza. There's a hole in my bucket..."
Josiah found two new friends while cleaning out the barn with Pop. They were very peaceful due to the chilly weather.

And here's that cutie again...

All of the boys wanted to hang around Grandpa for a while in the balmy weather and ask him deep, life-changing questions such as:
"What's the biggest fish you ever caught?" ; "What type of lure were you using?"; "Are you hungry now, Grandpa?"
Grandma got a fierce game of Uno going with some of the boys and their friend.

Out on a limb, guys?

It was nice to have Grandma and Grandpa share Bible time with us. We're scheduled to have Bible trivia tonight, and the boys are very excited about matching wits with their elders.

And here's that cutie again, diligently reading his book in his little chair. We just can't get enough of this fella...

Branch worked independently on his Spanish Bible reader. Our goal for the boys this year is to work on self-initiative and self-discipline in their school work.

Stennes has a beautiful bird journal this year, and his sketches are lovely. He really puts forth good effort in his illustrations.

Poppins has started a riot: yo-yo mania. The kids can't get enough. Mean Ol' Mama is holding her breath, hoping that the yo-yo doesn't meet the win-dow. No-no.

Even Grandpa tried his hand at giving the yo-yo a few rounds.

And just look! Another picture of ChubChub. Can't resist a face like that, can ya?

We spent Saturday exploring Fort Gadsden and St. George Island. It was so peaceful at the Fort. Grandpa, Poppins, and the boys are such history buffs that it's lots of fun to go places with them and see sites through their eyes.

Shhh....The cutie is asleep after visiting the Fort.

We had company Sunday afternoon. Mean Ol' Mama was too lazy to make dessert, so she waited for the visitors to help! One-Bowl Chocolate Cupcakes and Vanilla Buttercream. Luscious, simply divine...[And the baking experience with 3 other ladies was lots of fun].

Check out that yummy cupcake. Pay no attention to the cutie since we've seen enough photos of him [...ahem...].

We got out the instruments for an impromptou concert and enjoyed singing together.

Branch challenged Grandma to a game of Checkers. Again, ignore the cutie in the photo.

The Girl had to give it a try as well.

The boys taught Grandpa how to play War. He promptly trounced them. Ufda. [That's what those Norwegian farmers say, you know].

Poppins and Stennes worked steadily out in the cold, planting some of the 35 blueberry bushes brought by our visitors and re-locating citrus trees.

Isn't that a shiny table? Cutie? What cutie? I don't see any cutie...

And one final shot of The Girl and The Cutie.