The big boys brought animal balloons back from a bluegrass concert. The Girl and ChubChub were delighted, but Chub's doggy quickly found itself a bit deflated [...ahem...].

Josiah was in the hospital for 7 full days after the emergency appendectomy, so a dear friend of ours came over once in a while to stay so Mean Ol' Mama could be with Josiah. She sure was sweet to make banana bread out of those very ripe bananas on the table. And her helpers were just that: helpful [..painfully so...]

ChubChub enjoys a snack in the fresh air and sunlight.

Josiah was able to come home for a few hours on a day pass. He wasn't able to be active, so he sat on the porch with The Girl and helped her with her bird journal.

The Girl was missing Mean Ol' Mama. We are a fairly structured family, so anything out of the "abnormal" really throws us for a loop.
"Yo quiero sentarme contigo, Mami" ["I want to sit down with you, Mommy"], and so she did and quickly fell asleep. It was quite pleasant for the two of us.

All dressed up for a birthday party!! Can you tell that ChubChub chose his own outfit? He's actually in-style but probably didn't try to be...

Hit it, ChubChub! Watch the kids behind you!

The Girl approached this challenge much more delicately.
Tap, tap, tap...
Branch had no qualms about giving the pinata a decisively shattering whack. He struck treasure, and the dive for the goodies began.

Anders finished up the remaining legs of the poor little paper donkey.

Speaking of the donkey...While the others picked up candies, Anders instead chose the paper head.

Poppins gave the boys a class on using a yo-yo. He's actually quite good, and the kids were duly impressed by yet another fascinating facet of our beloved Poppins.

And now it's ChubChub's turn. The little guy had to stand on a chair for sufficient leverage.

We're excited to have Josiah back home. Things are working themselves back into a groove, but we're doing a lot of house -changing, garden- planting, book- reading, information -memorizing, and people -visiting, so our groove is a little bit different these days.