ChubChub decided that he would compose a piece on the piano. It was quite melodic, heavy on trills, and full of bass-banging. His song was an equally...[how shall we say it?]..."joyful noise"...

The boys have faithfully prepared for performances these past few days. Constant correction and "let's-try-it-again" takes its toll after a while. Thankfully, Mean Ol' Mama keeps a drawer full of miniature Hershey bars to encourage us all in moments of musical despair...

Josah helped Anders to master the bar chord. Classical guitar is made for people with long fingers and hands made of rubber.

The Girl wanted to share her drawing of Joseph's coat of many colors. She has a whole basket full of colored pencils to embellish her school pages.

What is Branch doing with ChubChub's highchair? Oh, he's scraping off jelly, smears of peanut butter, pieces of who-knows-what, etc. It's a job that has to be done frequently.

The Girl left Mean Ol' Mama a "love note" on the pillow.
Mommy is my mom. Nothing extraordinarily stunning, but the fact that she was thinking about her mommy...that's special...

The boys performed Wednesday morning at the United Methodist Church Keenager luncheon. They did a really fine job and were able to enjoy the potluck lunch. There were even tiny treats at their plates.