Saturday the boys went with Poppins, Pop, Uncle Tim and their 2 cousins to Mule Day. That's right, folks, only in the South would we celebrate such amazing animals as the mule. They had a fun day full of activities and sights, such as the man in the photo below showing off his "mule". This lady was showing off her little companion, brightly dressed for the grand parade.
Mean Ol' Mama and The Girl stayed home and did important household duties such as: shopping for the upcoming Tea Party and painting toenails a pretty, bright blue. This was The Girl's choice of colors, and a prettier set of feet ye never did see...
After the boys returned from Mule Day and shared their cotton candy, The Girl and Branch went out to the basketball court for a time of art.
Sunday evening we went to two Haitian camps and had the best, most enjoyable times with them. These people are so receptive to God's Word. The photo below shows the end of the first meeting. We're handing out French Bibles, tracts in Creole, and cookies.
ChubChub wanted his picture taken with his new friends. These men always enjoy seeing the children
The woman below is adding her name to thousands of others already in our prayer book. There's nothing magical about it; this book simply serves to remind us as we pray for the countless people we've been with.
ChubChub found yet another friend, but this little guy couldn't quite figure out what to do.
Aahhh, this is better. He found a familiar face and decided to rest with him for a bit. The other little guy wasn't too excited about sharing his cookies, though.
We arrived at the second camp just before the sun went down. It was turning cool, but the message and songs warmed us all. Three men came forward and asked for prayer. When a fourth man saw them, he ran over to the circle of people, dropped to his hands and knees, and pushed himself through the legs of the other three men so that he could be prayed for, too. It was a moment of unspeakable "heart-clench" for us all.
Finally, the following video brings us a smile, so we thought we'd share with you.