What happened to your legs, ChubChub? Aren't they shorter than usual? Oh, good trick! Just stick your knees in your shoes!

A long, hot day at the Ag-Expo in Moultrie, Georgia. There were tractors, people, farm equipment, animals, and lots of interesting vendors. Mean Ol' Mama's favorite part was discovering a chair in the shade. Ahhhh, bliss!!

Branch and ChubChub started off the tractor pull. Each child won a certificate of participation and a really cute t-shirt. Plus candy, but only for the children...[ahem...]

Anders was pretty big for that little tractor, but he really made it go. He supposes that this was probably his last time. Stennes and Josiah didn't even try it, which was probably a wise decision.

The Girl made a good effort and actually pedaled her way right off the end ramp. The only thing that was hurt, though, was the judge's toes, which were under her front tires. Mean Ol' Mama can't figure out where she learned to drive that way [ahem...].

Lots of farm animals to see. Lots of big dreams in little hearts.

And of course, how could the boys pass by without taking a picture of these fish?

The Girl found a shady spot and a free bag of peanuts to encourage her.

A package was waiting on the front porch when we got home. What could it be? A birthday present for ChubChub who is now 3 years old. The other kids helped him open the gifts.

He loves it!!! A spiritual armor set which he quickly donned and set to driving his brothers into corners, cowering in fear. Gotta love a 3 year old who doesn't back down. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we were all so fearless with the sword of God's Word?