Branch and The Girl worked in their Greek copybooks for a while. They illustrate each page in order to remember what the words mean. Perhaps it isn't the perfect way to learn a classical language, but a little every day goes a long way. Just ask the ant. Gotta love daily faithfulness...

Josiah and Anders worked on their Greek books, too. They have memorized the declension endings, which has helped so much this year. We're pleased with their progress. Gotta love moving forward...

After a surprise visit from a friend, we enjoyed a "planned" visit from a sweet family. The girls helped Mean Ol' Mama re-arrange some furniture in order to accommodate Stennes'
Cobbler Bench table. Unfortunately, Mean Ol' Mama forgot to bring out the baked sweet potatoes at lunch time, so this family was kind enough to enjoy a simple meal of black beans, fried rice, fresh bread, and fruit. Gotta love friends with good attitudes...

And what could top off the day any better than returning from violin class and finding a private Algebra instructor engaging the students in a pleasant round of polynomials, exponents, variables, and all those other "smarty" words. Gotta love brainy friends...