The Girl had a friend over to play while guitar class was taking place upstairs. There are 6 students that have class on Thursdays, so one of the boys brought his sister. They had a very sweet time playing together and they even had a tea party using the tea cabinet goodies.

Meanwhile, the boys had a friend as well. They decided to set up army men for war. It was quite loud downstairs for a while, but it's good, clean fun.

In the afternoon, it was time to burn off some energy. Josiah gave ChubChub a ride on the tire swing while Stennes and Branch tried to out-jump each other.

Stennes jumped so hard that Branch was able to "fly" for a bit and grab the...well, the branch. Interesting thought, eh, Branch grasping the branch...

We had mariachi practice in the afternoon as well. Teresa and I discussed where we should "be" in Latin and Greek come Monday morning. The boys are progressing well, and Mean Ol' Mama was pleased with this week's Greek work, at least for Stennes. The others need to kick it up a notch, although Poppins is satisfied with their work to date. The photo below shows the peas growing in Josiah's garden. Poppins and Mean Ol' Mama strolled the grounds of the "estate" this evening and discussed gardening and raising children. It's amazing how many similarities can be found between those two themes.

And look...a gift from next door. What could please a baker more than a basket full of fresh farm eggs? Plans for tomorrow...(and - joy of joys - a new baking catalog just arrived today). Aaahhh...Mean Ol' Mama can't wait to get going...

Finally, a photo of a few books we finished yesterday. Two are for our history readings, but after lunch we read only Mean Ol' Mama's choice of "cozy" books; they are totally unrelated to school topics, but hand-in-hand with daily life. It's one of our favorite times in our day, and we have read some really special writings together. Isn't that what makes homeschooling so special?