Look what the boys brought in for breakfast: a 'possum they trapped down by the pond. Did we eat it? Are you crazy? Perhaps if the economy continues its decline, but until then...

Josiah pulled KP until a phone call from his uncle snared him another job and The Girl stepped in. We pray that our children have a decent respect for and first-hand experience in hard work.

Saturday morning, Mean Ol' Mama had a translation job at a church conference about 35 miles away, so we all piled in the van and headed out for a family day. Afterwards, we went to 3 different parks.

Anders and Branch had to share the panda bear because the other duck was infested with bees. At least they were happy...

The boys waited eagerly for fishing time, and Poppins was right in there with them.

Meanwhile, The Girl, ChubChub, and Mean Ol' Mama walked a little trail to the playground. We didn't have the heart to tell ChubChub that his "horse" was pointed in the wrong direction. Ignorance is bliss, you know.

The Girl made a bouquet of brightly colored fall leaves. We had a fun time choosing just the right ones, and her sweet smile rivaled the beauty of the leaves.

Did I mention that Poppins joined right in with the fishing? Yep, those fellers sure enjoy "reel" time. And The Girl enjoyed just waiting with daddy.

Poppins treated the kids to ice cream at a local marina owned by a close friend of ours. This was really something special for the kids. They fished some more (gotta try out different water, you know), and then we headed back home. Poppins and Mean Ol' Mama had a hot date at the local Japanese restaurant and then they really went wild and crazy in the paper towel aisle at W-Mart. Sweet memories are made of days like today...

Finally, Poppins gave the children a chance to "preach" about a verse on the spur of the moment. This is a skill that will help them for the rest of their lives and one that we highly encourage and strive to strengthen.