This morning the mariachi band got together for the first time on the spur of the moment. They've been asked to perform next Wednesday for the International Club at the College. There were 7 other instruments spread out in addition to the ones shown in the photo. This type of performance is a first for us, so it's practice, practice, and...well, you know...

Even Branch is going to play with the older boys. We're playing the music strictly by ear, so Mean Ol' Mama wrote notation for Branch in order to help him. Gotta love a kid who can play violin with his feet propped up.

Stennes ground wheat so Mean Ol' Mama could make loaves of bread for her Spanish class as a reward for passing Exam #1.

Anders and Josiah took advantage of the fresh air and cool breeze outside. They are working on speech memorization for state competition next week. It's awfully hard to be inside these days; fall is such a pleasant time in the South.

After lunch the big boys went to Algebra class while the littles stayed home for a
very, very nutritious snack. You can see in their faces that it was indeed a treat.

And did we mention that it was
very, very nutritious?