After notebooking, the kids had a 15 minute recess. Josiah and The Girl jumped on the trampoline; Anders and ChubChub took turns swinging through the jungle; Stennes and Branch worked on a new tree house out in the goat pen (which doesn't contain any goats anymore, but the name stuck).
Faithful Punch checked out the chickens. A red fox ran through the yard yesterday morning, and we're hoping that he doesn't return to "visit" the roost.
Branch fried rice for lunch. We have a basic menu for lunch (Monday - Friday) that is pretty easy to remember: beans, rice, beans, rice, and beans. Sounds dull but we enjoy it very much. There are countless ways to cook these two staples, and it's excellent Third World training.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays are "rotation" days for us. One boy goes to Shop before lunch; another goes after lunch. It feels as if someone is always missing two days of the week. Today we didn't even make it upstairs into the schoolroom, so the boys brought down some of their books. This afternoon was also the first day of Wildlife Management training for competition in November. When the boys left, the living room was an interesting sight (photo below).
A cut-off sock on the back of the couch to protect Anders' arm during hour-long guitar practice; an empty plastic container that once held Branch's latest bug; the phone that rang quite a few times; Josiah's sax music; Stennes' Spanish Bible; Stennes' Greek stuff; our Latin tote: Josiah's Spanish Bible; 3 algebra books for the older boys; The Girl's Spanish book...and on and on...