Mean Ol' Mama's desk, just cleaned off this morning. Unfortunately, there's still a pile of college papers to correct and record.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll check them tomorrow...It's only a day away...
After swimming, Poppins decided to overhaul the gardens and start the fall crops. The tomato plants were pretty well finished producing, but pumpkins are still growing.

The Girl weeded one of the gardens and carried the scraps to the chickens. Poppins opened the door of one pen so the hens might wander out and scavenge, but the other pen was left shut, so The Girl compassionately brought them "garden snacks".

Branch and Anders each planted fall crops with Daddy's supervision. The pumpkin vines are growing everywhere. Josiah and Stennes each mulched their gardens and spiffed them up a bit.

And to top off our "Life-More-Simple" day, The Girl donned her cowgirl duds and flashy red boots. What a sweetie...