Stennes is making 4 loaves of Oat & Wheat Cinnamon Bread. It was quite tasty. There is one loaf left for tomorrow.

Josiah is back to the books again. He's very diligent and tries hard in his studies. He was a little troubled by his Spanish Bible work, but he kept on plugging and finally finished (until tomorrow, anyway).

Anders had Shop with Pop today. Each boy gets about 3 hours each week one-on-one with Pop, and they really enjoy their time. There are quite a few machines in that ugly old shop, including 4 large lathes that have been modified by Pop to do the impossible. It's a joke in our family that Pop's machines are always modified to be bigger and better than they were intended. We're happy with the quality of instruction and with the boys' progress in their Shop skills.

Here is a pen that Anders turned during his time.

I should title the next photo "Multilingual Mess". Latin on the couch, Greek on the brown chair, Spanish and English on the floor. And the dirty socks? They're Nobody's, so I guess they speak Nothing. [sigh....]

The Girl is trying faithfully to finish up her schoolwork (below). I pulled her out of English reading until she finishes this year. She reads well in Spanish, but adding in the English was a little too much right now. She and Branch do some Greek and Latin as well, but only on a beginner level until Branch becomes more fluid in English reading. They are both very different from the older 3, but that's what makes them special.