While the other boys worked on their speeches and instruments, Branch reviewed his lesson for his afternoon class. It's kind of hard to play violin with a monkey on your back, but Branch really loves that little monkey, so he doesn't complain at all.

We had time to watch the next section of their French lesson.

Well, some of us watched the French lesson. Others were a little less serious about the class...

About 11:30 we headed out to run a few errands and enjoy the local skating rink where our homeschool group is meeting for the summer months. The Girl and her friend had a good time (well, at least The Girl did...)

Gifts for The Girl. She received tea party supplies galore. Afterwards, the kids unloaded supplies from my van that were donated to hand out to needy folks, so we had to sort through a good bit of clothes and food. We were also delighted by a visit from a homeschool mom who brought The Girl yet another gift. Life sure is sweet when you're six years old...