ChubChub decided to hang around for a while. Poppins is thinking of rigging up parallel bars for the boys. We think we'll try some bamboo first. It's strong and a whole lot cheaper than steel. Just a thought...

We purchased a flute; The Girl says that it's hers.

Branch is polishing up a piece that he bought today for The Girl's tea party collection. Tomorrow is her birthday, so we had to make a run by the thrift store. This pedestal tray was only 99 cents and quite pretty. We're pretty sure she'll like it.

Making sausage balls. Aaahh, Life Skills training has been nice for Mean Ol' Mama. The meals are their responsibility. The Girl and Josiah made Curried Coconut Chickpeas and rice for lunch. Quite, quite yummy...

After swimming, The Girl couldn't wait till tomorrow to open Grandma's present. We also had Performance Class today at the college, practiced speeches and songs for Patriotic Performance later this week, did a bit of Latin, Greek & English reading, but not enough. Oh well, there's still tomorrow...