Today was a busy day, especially for the boys. They had the first of a series of four 2 hour Intro. to Algebra classes with one of our local homeschool moms. (Yes, we had some extra boys in this class, as you can see in the photo). Beth is a retired math teacher and she kindly offered to do the class while her daughters are in gymnastics camp in the mornings. We really enjoy being with her, and she's a fantastic teacher. Branch went to Shop with Pop during this time, while ChubChub played quietly (sometimes) under the table in the school room. After lunch, they did a few chores and things around the house. In the afternoon, they went to their Forestry Judging Class for competition training, which lasted till 5:00. Branch and I headed off to violin and the local organic co-op. So what did The Girl do during this time?

She learned to grind seasonings in the molcajete, which is part of her Life Skills training. In the photo she is making a past of garlic and cumin to add to the dinner meal.

She worked on a ....oops, it's a surprise! One of our readers will recognize this in a few weeks...

And she caught up in her Greek book. She's a sweet little thing. In the evening, I had a Mom's Teaching Mom time, held out of town, so she had to stay behind with all the boys (plus an extra boy who spent the night with us).