Friday, June 22, 2012

Photos of the Past Few Days

Coloring Middle Ages pages while Mo'M reads aloud
 Discussing foreshortened circles and other artsy terms with Teresa
Writing an essay on welfare reform
De-silking corn for tamales
A good friend blending the corn for tamales
Making tamales with another good friend
Preaching (Hispanic/Haitian) at one of the camps
Working on illuminated letters during a study of monasticism
One of Poppins' heirloom tomatoes
Latin test
We've been busy (breathe!!!), and next week is lookin busier (breathe!!!).  Patriotic performances will be beginning soon, so we're working on speeches/costumes/songs, etc.  The older boys are busy at the U-Pick.  Mo'M is busy at the college.  Life is just busy, busy, busy...