We've enjoyed many good meetings lately with the Haitians and Hispanics. It's always fun to have the audience participate in the songs and service.

Mean Ol' Mama was surprised to find a rose waiting in her mailbox at the college, from a secret admirer. She was very excited to find out later that it was from her wonderful Poppins.

Branch brought her this lovely collection of zinnias.

We visited the Georgia National Fair in Perry this past weekend. We enjoyed seeing all of the displays.

ChubChub enjoyed talking to the folks at the koi booth. They had a nice conversation about...well, about the koi, the different types, how to catch them, why they were selling them,...and on and on. He's a curious little guy.

The Girl placed 3rd in Public Speaking, and Branch placed 1st and he won Grand Champion as well! We were so excited for both of them, especially since this was The Girl's first time.

Anders won 1st place and Grand Champion as well!

The Girl also competed in the Cotton Boll speech.

Anders competed as "Super Cotton".

The Girl won 9th (fabulous out of soooo much competition)!

"Super Cotton" won 1st!!

We're easing back into our normal routine of schoolwork and life. Hopefully, we'll be able to catch our breath now and then...