Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Life in 32 photos (give or take a few!)
Mean Ol' Mama made a beautiful Chai Pound Cake, but her fusion-inspired dessert didn't want to come out of its pan. It was delicious nevertheless...
On a sadder note, one of Mo'M's college students passed away after a long-term fight with cancer. She was in tears for a while remembering his positive attitude in the classroom. She and The Girl attended his visitation and brought his family one of his essays, which they read at his funeral.
The Girl was excited to catch up on quite a bit of her Spanish Practica/Gramatica/Ortografia/Fonetica books, and she headed to the recycle bin with a big grin.
ChubChub is coming along nicely in his reading, and he read these five "real" books so he could take a photo to show you.
However, he struggled a bit when it came to the letter "X"; both he and Mean Ol' Mama wiped off drops of drool as he over-emphasized the sound, trying to get it out correctly.
Doesn't Josiah look so sweet and peaceful as he works on his Algebra? He's tired from working in the fields over at the U-Pick. How can you tell he's been working? Just check out his legs in the photos below...
His socks didn't reach over the tops of his boots, and dirt inevitably finds its way through.
Anders is peaceful as well as he works on math review, but check out his hands.
Yes, he did wash up, but field dirt is stubborn...
The boys spent the day at the Joseph Jones Ecological Research Center. 

Meanwhile, Poppins took Mo'M, The Girl and ChubChub to a local auction. He bid on a few things, and two of his purchases were for Mo'M...
Books! Surprise! These are two really nice cookbooks that she chose and hoped to win in the bidding.
The kids are enjoying their soccer games. ChubChub is quite the sport.
Anders has been designated the "intimidator" for his team because of his size; he's supposed to make the opponent (who will be running his way) feel unsure about trying to get the ball past Anders!
Branch and The Girl are on the same team, which is nice.
The weather has almost warmed up enough to swim outdoors. Almost!
The boys put together a bulletin board promoting 4H for the UGA Extension office in Tifton. This counts towards upcoming portfolio competitions.
The Poultry Judging team came in 9th out of 18 teams. Doesn't seem like a very good score, but they're better than last year, and they certainly learned a lot and had a great time!
The older boys went away Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to the east coast of Georgia for their annual bird identification competition. The water and weather were both chilly, but they couldn't help trying to swim.
They climbed a tree in tandem...
They visited Light-Horse Harry Lee's gravesite...
They enjoyed observing the wild horses on Cumberland Island...