Sunday, April 3, 2011
The boys participated in the state-level Livestock Judging competition up in Athens. This was the first year for them, and they did very well. Their 4-member team placed third in the state (out of 14 teams), and Josiah placed third in individual.
Anders, Branch, The Girl, and ChubChub are playing soccer at the local YMCA. They've been practicing and will begin games on the 11th. ChubChub's team (below) is so much fun to watch!
Anders (below in the purple shorts) has also enjoyed his team.
Stennes and Josiah helped their band director finish out a concrete project behind his house.
Josiah has been spending the night with his new dog, Lady. She's a high-strung English Setter who needs Josiah's good instruction to develop her hunting skills. He's been sleeping out in her pen so she will stay calm and stop howling. True love and dedication...
The Girl hosted a "ball" tea party for her friends. Aren't they all beautiful? We had such a fun time admiring their outfits.
Because the party was a "ball", we tried to have "ball" food: cake balls, a cheese ball, sausage balls, and other yummy tidbits.
April 1st was also Stennes' 15th birthday party, so all of The Girl's friends brought their brothers to play with the boys.
Poppins challenged Josiah to a rope-pull contest.
And a tug-of-war broke out...!
A "way-back-when" friend dropped in unexpectedly and brought an April Fool's surprise: Kitty Litter Cake! Kind of discomforting to look at, but quite delicious.
The boys sang "I Love You, Lord" in harmony that they have been learning during band practice down in Tallahassee.
These fellows brought home a surprise for Mean Ol' Mama: a venemous water moccasin! No thanks, guys!
We enjoyed an easy time with a few migrant workers Sunday afternoon. They're starting to come back to our area for the harvest, and we're looking forward to possibly seeing a few familiar faces.
MO'Mama is seeing the end of another semester on the horizon; the boys are working now and then at the U-Pick; we have three performances this Tuesday; trying to figure out a block-schedule for homeschooling to knock some of the subject areas out of the way before summer kicks in; working in the little gardens around the house; thinking ahead to competitions in a few months; preparing for Poultry Judging competition in two weeks; breathing, breathing, breathing...